Wednesday, January 26, 2011


This is so hilarious I had to share this post from

It may just be that perfect Valentines gift for the man in your life!!!

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First Post

I must's hard being a Mom. I don't know if there is any other time in your life where you feel so back and forth. One minute I want to kiss that little Angel over and over again and never let him go, the next I feel like I'm going to go insane because I can't figure out what he is throwing a temper tantrum about, the next I feel like I could just stare at those beautiful blue eyes and never do anything else, the next I wonder how I got so lucky. Then, it's wondering if I'm telling him "no" too much and when I'm gonna get my first "no" from him and how I will handle it...and it goes on and on, I guess I'll never know all the right answers. All I know is that I love that little man with every inch of my being but feel so blessed to have a husband that comes home and knows I need a break <3